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Food Hygiene Law of the packaging industry, industry-oriented

2011-12-17  Read: 1181

Packaging industry has become the world's economic development "sunrise industry" one. With the improvement of their economic status, economically developed countries are very great importance to packaging of legislation and its research, the United States, Britain, Germany, Canada, Japan and so on with international packaging regulations and standards in their countries of the Packaging Act, the University of packaging Zhuanye open "packaging regulations," program, heated discussions in the media packaging of the legal issues, and promote the healthy development of packaging industry. Compared with developed economies, China has lagged far behind legal research packaging, China There is no a complete packaging. Market economy that is legal economy, "WTO", the Chinese packaging industry has been more room for development, is also faced with greater challenges. Into line with international regulations and standards, research legal issues packaging bug, will promote stability in China's packaging industry, positive integration into the international market. In particular the solidarity of daily life and safety of the food packaging industry, more attention should be packing. Since last year, as food packaging food safety issues arising from emerging. From "PVC cling film carcinogenic storm" to "one-off tableware pollution incident", to the Nestle baby milk and liquid packaging printing ink to be contaminated in the European countries were recalled. Recently, the state departments have exposed the domestic production of several film for food packaging problems, food packaging is a potential "invisible killer"? Does the packaging industry is really the lack of effective monitoring you? As packaging caused by food safety problems are mainly the following three aspects, first packaging material or container production is the result of non-standard food packaging safety of the main reasons. Some packaging printing production company behind the production technology, quality management is not standardized, national food packaging hygiene standards and relatively lag, coupled with lax regulation, resulting in food safety hazard exists. States this year introduced a "food packaging quality standards" will help reduce the security problems caused by packaging. Second, the state food packaging law is not perfect, and lack of supervision, so that some unscrupulous food production and packaging manufacturers take advantage of. Third, food packaging design is unreasonable, some packaging has not been rigorous scientific design, the lack of rigorous design testing, resulting in food packaging not reach the function. Some food companies in particular, too much emphasis on food packaging visual effects, ignored the protection of food packaging, can not stop the flow of environmental pollution (such as microbes, the harmful gases in the atmosphere, etc.) the erosion of food, causing food contamination or deterioration, up to less than the intended purpose packaging. Some foods have not had to durability deterioration or contamination, affecting the health of consumers. Food packaging are currently using the largest of several major materials are paper, plastic, metal and glass. China's national standard GB9685-2003 in the provision of food packaging containers, packaging materials, auxiliaries of the variety, range and maximum usage, it applies to all types of food packaging materials. Base paper for food packaging international health indicators are physical and chemical indicators and indicator requirements. Food packaging commonly used PE (polyethylene), PP (polypropylene) and PET (polyester), as processing aids to use less resin itself is relatively stable, their security is very high. However, residual monomer excess plastic resin will cause safety problems. Therefore, GB9681-88, GB480-94 were provided in food packaging plastic PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and moldings. PVC resin, vinyl chloride monomer content ≤ 1mg/kg, with the Codex Alimentarius Commission issued the same request. Metal materials for food packaging are tin and aluminum, in contact with food usually coating the inner surface to prevent food acids and proteins produced during heating of sulfur on the corrosion of metals. Coating is a thermosetting plastic resin, on their hygiene standards, internationally provides: glass containers for food packaging should be manufactured by the soda-lime glass, should be taken to avoid excessive heavy metals such as lead, but China's national standard has not yet hygiene standards on the glass container were put forward. Overall, it should be said according to the national standard regular factory production of food packaging materials is no problem. Benzene has long been recognized as the substance is carcinogenic, but benzene is a good solvent for resins, it has strong solubility, evaporation speed advantages of cheap, which is widely used as a resin solvent, in the packaging composite packaging materials used in adhesives and plastics printing ink solvent. As in the composite and plastic printing process is not completely volatile solvent benzene, benzene may cause residual material in the packaging materials. In the food packaging process, the benzene ingredients to food, will lead to food products containing benzene. Now many adhesives and inks do not use composite material for solvent benzene. Even the use of benzene as a solvent material, if well controlled in the production process, the content of benzene and entirely within the control of the security. In addition, packaging materials containing benzene substances, not necessarily would have benzene contamination in food, as long as the benzene in the packaging container of food substances between the barrier layer and the layer of benzene was not easy to contaminate food. Therefore, only the kind of irrational food packaging structure design (such as some simple plastic or plastic composite materials, packaging materials) and the packaging material or container production equipment rather crude, would lead to benzene contamination of food. The safety of food packaging is not in the past does not exist, but because consumers and the country's attention, the problem of information developed prominent. After we eat the food processing plant, the greater the proportion of packaging, the question arises more naturally. However, as long as the laws and regulations related to continuous improvement, effective supervision, materials, food packaging containers manufacturers to strengthen self-discipline, packaging, food safety is guaranteed, not unworthy. The food packaging safety laws and regulations of "The People's Republic of China Food Hygiene" and "plastic products and raw materials, food management approach." On food containers and packaging materials have been related to national health standards. China on food packaging materials processing aids in the management of the licensing regime, that is, the use of varieties of processing aids, range of use and maximum use must be in accordance with national standards. If you want to add a new assistant, must be re-approval, otherwise breaches. These processing aids, food safety assessment procedures in accordance with the relevant provisions of the necessary toxicity tests to determine the, county programs through rigorous scientific experiments that can be used. The food packaging materials and containers production of many national standards, so strict accordance with national standards of food packaging materials and containers to their security is guaranteed. But with the deepening of scientific research, improved detection methods, economic development, and even trade needs, the standard should be followed continuously updated. Food packaging industry is an emerging industry developed rapidly in recent years. Countries have established standards and the development of food packaging there is a gap. For example, currently used for food packaging inks and adhesives do not separate the health standards, there is no unified national product standards, only the various manufacturers of enterprise standards, which are dependent on countries to strengthen safety testing of food packaging and scientific input. In the field of food safety, China has established a complete legal system and law enforcement regulators. However, because these regulatory bodies have to focus on food hygiene, the more attention is Yi Xie E. coli and bacterial excessive Wen Ti, to focus on the food itself of 检测 at the expense of the packaging used for food by the Wu's test; more concerned about the formula used in food, raw materials, production process monitoring, the neglect of the formula packaging, production processes, process supervision. Only we will be foods and packaging as a whole, included under the supervision of the Food Sanitation Law, as caused by contamination of food packaging to solve people's lives will be more secure. At the same time, we have to draw on foreign market access rules for food packaging, food packaging production environment of more stringent health requirements, and fail to meet requirements of enterprises, resolutely cleared out. In packaging industry and increase the implementation of the Food Sanitation Law of Yaoqiu enforcement will make our packaging Qiye in raw materials, formula, process, Shengchanhuanjing Deng Fangmianchanye optimization Ziyuanpeizhi and industrial layout, Shi Renmin health package as the protector.

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