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Injection Molding Products

  • With delicate-shape,low-and-high temperature resistance,hygiene, recyclable and easy to use.
  • Suitable for packaging yougurt , beverage,jelly, ice-cream,wine, solid &liquid foods,and other commodities.

Custom sizes and custom Injection molding Products.


Plastic Shower Products

  • Environ mentally friendly, low cost, widely usage.
  • Mainly used for hairdressing, medical care, catering,etc.

Contact us

Add: No. 8 Industry Zone of Xueyi, Anbu Town, Chaoan County, Chaozhou,Guangdong Province,China zipcode:515638

Tel: (+86) - 768 - 5915572

Cell phone: (+86) - 13827319633

Tel Exchange: (+86) - 768 - 5913900

Fax: (+86) - 768 - 5913868


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Add: No. 8 Industry Zone of Xueyi, Anbu Town, Chaoan County, Chaozhou,Guangdong Province,China zipcode:515638 Tel: (+86) - 768 - 5915572 Cell phone: (+86) - 13827319633 Tel Exchange: (+86) - 768 - 5913900 Fax: (+86) - 768 - 5913868 email: